FF- How-to - Project Phases Complete



We get asked for a dashboard to show active projects and the phase they are in or to be able to see upcoming milestones for projects. 

Another query is asks to show a specific subset projects that are about to hit milestone #3.  This use case is related to similar projects running concurrently and where they use a shared resource that the end of milestone #3.


Dashboard #1


  1. Take all projects with Finish date in this quarter (or allow user to select)
  2. Get all summary tasks for each project
  3. Present each project and show how many summary tasks are complete out of the total summary tasks – 5 of 10 complete.
  4. Clicking on the entry for a project will show all the summary tasks and their % complete information.





  1. FIlter panel for projects that will complete this quarter.  With this panel, I can also do projects with finish date greater than today. 
  2. Mash up to a summary table – DF Project objects
  3. Mash Summary Table to an ID List Mapper (Input Entity: Project, Output Entity: Tasks) - sending SF IDs from Summary Table to SF IDs of ID List Mapper.
  4. Narrow this list down to Summary Tasks only by using a Filter Panel and Filter Junction.
    1. Use a Filter Panel with Tasks Entity. Set the Filter to "Hours = 0". Alternatively, you can set SubTask = false.
    2. Mash this to Filter Junction. (SF Filter to SF Filter)
    3. Mash previous ID List Mapper to Filter Junction (SF IDs to SF IDs).
  5. Mash Filter Junction to a Summary Table (Entity: Tasks).
  6. You can either display the info summarized through a Static Text (as {!Tasks_SomeNumberColumn!COUNT} or by using an Aggregate Array and display the results in an Input Table.