Exporting and Reporting 



Object SnapShot Reporting 


SnapShot provides the following reporting options:


1. Generate Change List


2. Generate HTML Report



To access these reports, simply click on the Options menu and select the desired report.






1. Generate Change List - This list will provide a list of the fields that needs to be created, updated and deleted to make one org look like another.

Upon selecting the Generate Change List option, the dialog box below will appear.  Here users can select the Org's that they want to include in the change list. Note: to include picklist differences on standard entities you must check the check box beneath the Source Reference Org.




Once you have selected the Source and the Destination Orgs, click create and SnapShot will generate the Change List.

Click here to view an example of a Change List change_orders.




2. Generate HTML Report - This report will display the current profile view. 

 Upon selecting The Generate an HTML Report option, the dialog below will appear. Here users can select Open Panels Only and or Include Pick List Values. Once ready, click the OK button and the HTML Report will be generated.