Common SnapShot Errors


Common SnapShot Errors


Below is a list of common SnapShot Errors that have been returned from the API.


  Error message
Description Workaround/ Recovery process
duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicate value on record with id: <unknown>
There is no single cause for this error.  Please look at the line number in the error response and match that with the appropriate line in asset XML file (present in the metadata folder). For example, if you get this error in Opportunity: Look at the complete error in the Details XML. It might say something like Opportunity (200, 75): duplicate...  Open the objects/Opportunity.xml file in metadata folder and locate line number 200. This will tell you where this error comes from.
2. no User named found This is usually found when you attempt to push Workflow email rules to a destination that does not have an user defined with the same username.

Please make sure that the user accounts are sync-ed up before attempting to push Workflow rules to destination. You could also use the "Apply Data Transforms" feature to change users or email addresses between Orgs. 

3.  DFAC Error [NO_APPS] Can't Find List of Applications This error was received when trying to create a profile SnapShot. What is happening is that the API is trying to locate a Custom Application that at one time was installed in the sandbox but was removed. To resolve this add the custom application back in to the Org and the
4.  In field: field - no CustomField named xxx.xxx__c found  This error was received when trying to push a Profile SnapShot. The error means that the specified custom field does not exist in the destination org.  To resolve this push Objects:All from the Asset SnapShot. This would include all custom fields. 
5. Code coverage warning: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required This error occurs when the Apex Trigger in the Org does not meet the required code coverage test percentage (currently, 75%) dictated by the Salesforce API Ensure that you are including appropriate test classes in your push. If you are, then check the "Run Unmanaged Test Before Push" checkbox before pushing any Asset. You no longer need the Managed Test Classes to run to execute a successful deployment.
6. Code coverage warning: Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is XX%, at least 75% test coverage is required This error occurs when the Apex Classes or Triggers in the Org does not meet the required code coverage test percentage dictated by the Salesforce API Ensure that you are including appropriate test classes in your push and you are meeting the 75% test coverage in destination. If you are, then check the "Run Unmanaged Test Before Push" checkbox before pushing any Asset. You no longer need the Managed Test Classes to run to execute a successful deployment.
7. Object "XXXX": Not in package.xml Either the specified object is not in the discovered list of objects or this object/ field is a part of a managed package. Please include the appropriate objects/ fields from the Unpackaged package instead of the Package definition.

8. Error 27 - Can't Find File When a customer receives the Security Message and then the Error 27 Scripting Error when attempting to push an Object from the Asset SnapShot, it appear that the Package.xml file is not being deleted thus causing the issue. Go to the SnapShot folder which resides within the DreamFactory folder and delete the following:  metadata folder, package.xml file and then try the push again.
9. Object 'Add_NAICs_Code__c' error: Error parsing file: The prefix "xsi" for attribute "xsi:nil" associated with an element type "lookupPhoneDialogsAdditionalFields" is not bound. This error occurred due to this specific field not being deleted correctly by Salesforce. Simply editing the phone dialog and saving it.. and re-creating the snapshot did not help?
10. Object '<Standard_Object_Name>.<Standard_Field_Name>' error: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support   Some standard picklist fields in standard objects are connected to other metadata types in ways that might not be modifiable through the API. This is commonly seen in fields like Opportunity.Stage, Lead.Industry etc. Easiest way around is to modify the picklist manually and then attempt the migration again.
11. DFAC Error [NOT COMPLETED] Duplicate Value: Duplicate Value Found When Building Unique Index: XXXX This error occurs when you are converting a field to Unique and there are existing duplicate values that prohibits that. ID that collided are usually displayed at the end of the message and you can go to them to correct them first before retrying the migration.